V-RISE-Lima (online) 2021
At the beginning of the 21st century, the Covid-19 pandemic has marked the future of humanity, exacerbating social problems in Latin America and abroad, and making it increasingly difficult to achieve general well-being in a context of greater contamination that aggravates the situation. Current generations face a singular health challenge that has had widespread effects on the various activities and living conditions of the population—a new fact that has deepened old problems and revealed new ones.
From a social perspective, it has not been possible in recent decades to reduce the massive levels of poverty that affect a large part of the inhabitants of Latin America, nor to reduce the historical socio-economic inequality that has characterized it. And the reactions to the spread of the coronavirus have brought with them a weakening of social cohesion and greater expressions of discontent and vulnerability.
From a political point of view, Latin America entered the 21st century after a period of expansion of democratic methods for the election of its governments, although in general, this did not translate to more governance or the consolidation of states and laws. As such, democratic institutions in several Latin American countries appear to be undergoing processes of deconstruction.
In general, the prospects for economic reactivation both at the world level and in the Ibero-American continent depend, in the first instance, on the success of disseminating scientific advances to immunize the population. Following that, prospects depend on the implementation of economic and social policies that pursue more economically, socially and environmentally sustainable development for the region.
dates and fees
Highlights dates
Opening submissions:
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Abstracts and Panels:
DEADLINE EXTENDED Monday, October 29th, 2021
Confirmation of the acceptance of paper:
Wednesday, October 20th, 2021
V RISE Meeting online:
December, 1st to 3rd, 2021
Registration V RISE - 2021
To participate in the 5th Ibero-American Meeting of Socio-Economics as a Speaker, it is necessary that you register by completing the form located here (you need to be previously logged on SASE).
A presentation certificate will be issued to those who have registered, paid the corresponding fees and presented their paper in the assigned session.
SASE MEMBERS: Non students……..................……….…….......….…….$50,00
SASE MEMBERS: Students…………………....................……........…...……...Free
NON MEMBERS: Non students..…………………........………………………..$75,00
NON MEMBERS: Students…...………………….........…………………...........$25,00
Academics and students from UNMSM...............................................Free
Students from Peruvian universities and collaborating’s universities..................................................................................................Free
Scientific committee
President: Santos M. Ruesga Benito (UAM, Spain)
Dr. Luis Enrique Alonso (UAM, Spain)
Dr. Juan Anicama (UNMSM, Peru)
Dr. Andrew Schrank (Brown University, USA)
Dr. Miguel Atienza (UCN, Chile)
Dra. Shirley Benavides Vindas (UNA, Costa Rica)
Dr. Jorge Carrera (UNLP, Argentina)
Dr. Nitsan Chorev (Brown University, USA)
Dr. Rolando Cordera (UNAM, Mexico)
Dra. María Ángeles Durán (CSIC, Spain)
Dr. Pedro Fonseca (UFRGS, Brazil)
Dr. Gerardo Fujii (UNAM, México)
Dr. Fernando González Laxe (UDC, Spain)
Dra. Tania Jiménez Castilla (UTB, Colombia)
Dr. Leonardo Lomelí (UNAM, Mexico)
Dr. José Madeiros (UFRJ, Brazil)
Dr. Antonio Martin Artiles (UAB, Spain)
Dr. Jorge Mario Martínez Piva (Cepal, Mexico)
Dr. André Moreira Cunha (UFRGS, Brazil)
Dr. Juan Carlos Moreno Brid (UNAM, Mexico)
Dr. Ciro Murayama (UNAM, Mexico)
Dra. Isabel Novo Corti (UDC, Spain)
Dra. Jacqueline O’Reilly (U. Sussex, UK, President of the SASE)
Dra. Laura Pérez Ortiz (UAM, Spain)
Dr. Michael Piore (MIT, USA)
Dra. Marta do Reis Castilho (UFRJ, Brasil, Executive Committee SASE)
Dr. Frederico Rocha (UFRJ, Brasil)
Dr. Santos M. Ruesga (UAM, Spain, Executive Committee SASE)
Dr. Julimar da Silva Bichara (UAM, Spain)
Dra. Andrea Seelenfreund (Universidad Academia Humanismo Cristiano, Chile)
Dra. Akos Ros-Tas (Universidad de California, USA)
Dr. Diego Sánchez-Ancochea (Oxford U., UK)
Dr. Daniel Toro (UTB, Colombia)
Dra. Ana Urraca (UFF, Brazil)
Dra. Ana Viñas (Universidad Europea, Spain)
Organizing committee
Juan Eleazar Anicama (UNMSM, Peru)
Carlos Armas Morales (UNMSM, Peru)
Javier Baquero Pérez (UAM, Spain)
Jacob Bromberg (SASE)
Jorge Luis Delgado (UCSG, Ecuador)
Annelies Fryberger (Executive Head of SASE)
Laura Pérez Ortiz (UAM, Spain)
Marta do Reis Castilho (UFRJ, Brazil)
Cristian Darío Robello (UCB, Colombia)
Julimar da Silva Bichara (UAM, Spain)
Pat Zraidi (SASE)
Networks and Panels
The State of Socio-Economics in Ibero-America: Methodology of the Social Science
Migration and Urbanization
Historical Heritage and Sustainable Development: Challenges and Perspectives
Technological Innovation and Labor Relations: Informality and Job Insecurity
Deglaciation, Groundwater and Water Stress. Risks and Disasters
Management, Decentralization and Local Development: Urbanization, Waste and Agriculture
Drug Trafficking: Social and Environmental Problem
Gender Gaps
Social Inequality and Poverty
Traditional and Ecological Tourism in Local Development
Natural Resources, Agriculture and Biodiversity
Pandemic, Global Recession and Health Crisis
PANELS and Papers submission​
It is possible to submit in two different categories: Individual Papers and Panels. You only need to send a summary of the paper/panel. For the application and participation in the panel or the presentation in the V RISE SASE, it is not necessary to send the complete article.
To submit an individual paper, you must include an abstract. Abstracts for submissions to regular networks should be no longer than 500 words. All submissions need to include 3 key words.
To submit a Panel, you must include both an overall abstract for the panel and abstracts for each of the 3-4 paper abstracts composing the session. The same word length applies to papers within sessions as does to individual paper submissions.
Each researcher may submit a maximum of two papers.
The abstract shall contain:
a) Objective(s), b) Methodology, c) Main results, d) Bibliography and e) Names, email and academic credits of all authors.
Abstracts will be accepted in Spanish, Portuguese and English, the official languages of the event.
Indicate the Network to which the document is being submitted (from 1 to 12).
The Scientific Committee will select papers to be accepted. This acceptance will be communicated to the speakers and will be published on the meeting website, which will feature all accepted abstracts.
Complete the registration form here.
The abstracts of the papers accepted and presented during the event will be published in a report (with an ISSN record) on this website.